Cut through age verification confusion

Real-time age verification for online sales of kitchenware and knives with OneID®

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What's the big deal?

If you're selling kitchenware and knives online, it's your responsibility to keep minors safe, and away from your products. 

With a fifth of knife crime in England and Wales carried out by minors who obtain knives and bladed items illegally, the problem is significant. 

Make sure that you're compliant with The Criminal Justice Act (1988) and the Knives Act (1997) with a safe, secure, and surprisingly easy age verification process. 

Speak to use today and you could be up and running by tomorrow.

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A simple and secure way to verify customers' ages in real-time 

1-Kitchenware blue screens coming together

Boost sales

OneID Age Verification lets your customers prove their age in under a minute, so you don’t lose customers to long checkout processes.

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Simplify verification

OneID Age Verification reduces administrative load and costs with an automated process, plus the integration can be done in minutes.

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Avoid prosecution

OneID Age Verification makes sure you meet all legal requirements for selling age-restricted goods, protecting you and your business.

Hear what our customers
have to say

"This feels a lot simpler than all of the other methods I've used before. With other solutions, I had to send in a photo of my passport and someone had to manually check it, so it took time and effort."
"It seemed very quick, very efficient I would say. I think this is a good system to verify your age. There is no uploading of your ID or anything like that. It was very fast and I like that it uses bank-verified data."
"I was a bit unsure what it would look like because I have never used OneID before, but that was totally fine. It is really quick and easy and convenient. I didn't have to bother with passport scans."

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