Frequently asked questions

What is OneID®?

OneID® is a unique service that enables people to be in control of their identity online, helping them to secure and simplify their digital life. It works by allowing them to use their existing bank-verified identity with online sites and services that they trust – removing all the fiddly form filling, delays and identity checks currently experienced when signing up to a service or shopping online.

How does OneID® work?

Many of the sites and services consumers use online already use a range of identity-checking services. OneID® uses an customer’s existing bank-validated identity to simply and swiftly sign-up to new services or shop online. Businesses pay a small fee to the bank for providing this validated identity data. This helps banks and businesses, while keeping the customer in control at all times.

How secure is OneID®?

OneID® is a unique privacy-focused free-to-use solution that doesn’t store, see or sell customer data. We use bank-grade security protocols to transfer data between the bank and the service the individual approves. Customers have full control over the data that they wish to share.

Why should individuals use OneID®?

Why not? OneID® provides a quick, safe and easy way to transfer specific data between a bank and a registered 3rd party – with the individuals’ consent. It allows them to take control of their data whilst also speeding up online journeys.

What is a bank-verified ID service?

A bank-verified ID service enables customers to use personal information already held by their bank to prove who they are in order to access online services outside of the banking domain. The bank acts as an ‘identity provider’; it verifies the identity of the person from its own databases and, in accordance with its own policies and FCA requirements, then confirms the customer’s identity to another party. Banks have a very strong interest in ensuring that only authenticated users can access their accounts online, so the identity verification is of a higher standard than can be achieved by any other means.


The bank-verified ID model has been successfully implemented in the Nordic region, with adoption and usage rates exceeding 90%. In Sweden the service is used on average twice a day by every adult and processes 6bn transactions pa. It is used to access almost all commercial and Government services.  

Does OneID® sell data to advertisers or third parties?

We believe privacy is an essential human right and individuals’ use of OneID® is known only to them. We only capture evidence of the consents given, not any personal details. The consent console shows individuals where and when they have provided consent for Digital Identity Net to access their bank account and share their personal data with a relying party.

Is any data shared with third parties?

OneID® will never share a consumer’s data with anyone they don’t provide consent for. We don’t store, see or sell data.

What portion of the population can use OneID®?

Anyone with a UK bank account can use OneID® – that is over 97% of the adult population.

What is OpenID Connect?

OpenID Connect (OIDC) is an authentication protocol that allows the parties within the OneID network to identify each other. For more details see the OpenID FAQ’s page:

What is Open Banking?

Open Banking is the secure way for individuals to give providers access to their financial information. OneID® uses Open Banking regulation to securely transfer their data from their bank to a registered 3rd Party.

How long does it take an individual to register with OneID®?

Individuals can tap use the ‘OneID®’ button to simply and securely sign up to a new online website or service. No registration is required.

What does OneID® do to make sure it's accessible to everyone?

We want to make sure OneID® is available to everyone who wants to use it. Anyone with a UK bank account can use OneID®.

How secure is the OneID® age verification process?

Very. We use bank-grade security to keep your personal information secure.

Is OneID® a certified Age Verification platform?

OneID® is compliant with PAS:1296:2018 and certified under the Age Check Certification Scheme (ACCS).

What information are you using to verify someone's age?

OneID® uses the date of birth that is registered with the individual's bank to confirm their age.

What data is being shared in the age verification process?

Your date of birth is not shared. We only confirm you are the age required to buy the product or use the service.

How easy is it to integrate OneID® Age Verification into my store, website or service?

OneID® can be installed in minutes on the Shopify and WooCommerce eCommerce platforms and can usually be integrated into bespoke websites and services in a few days, with minimum effort.

How does OneID® make money?

In return for the OneID® service and bank-verified identity, our corporate customers pay a fee to OneID® for each transaction. Our corporate customers gain value from providing a better digital experience for their customers, and from not having to verify the identity themselves.

Does OneID® have a Social Benefit Policy?

We passionately believe in the wider social benefits of OneID and as such have a governance commitment to support and fund a Social Benefit Trust, with a progressively defined portion of profits promoting wider social benefit. The OneID® Social Benefit Trust has a governance remit to promote wider social benefit by charitable giving.

What are the key functions of OneID®?

The core function of OneID® is to facilitate a new way of onboarding customers onto digital services. It allows customers to securely share the personal data held by the bank with online businesses. This allows the business to create new accounts quicker and more securely. Once a customer has created a new account using OneID® they are able to then login in the same way. This eliminates the need to create usernames and passwords.

How is OneID® streamlining the onboarding process?

OneID® can revolutionise your customer journey, providing a frictionless process for you to onboard new customers. It is simple for you to incorporate and secure, with the highest bank-grade levels of assurance.

How can OneID® help with increasing abandonment rates?

Struggling with increasing sign-up and shopping card abandonment rates? OneID® is proven to dramatically reduce customer frustrations and increase checkout fulfilments.

Can I reduce business costs with OneID®?

Using the OneID® identity hub, your business can significantly reduce new customer acquisition and verification costs compared with existing ID validation or checking process you may use.

How can OneID® help tackle fraud?

Identity theft is the fastest growing online fraud in the UK. Using OneID® you gain the assurance that your customers are who-they-say-they-are.

How do I integrate OneID® onto my shop platform?

OneID® is built for integration into many different platforms. Information on our developer portal will help you out with this.

Why would a Business benefit from a customer using OneID® rather than Social Media?

OneID® is secure and convenient way of onboarding with new digital services and proving the customer’s identity online. Unlike social media logins OneID® uses the data held about them by their bank. The bank holds their name, date of birth and address details which it can share with any online business whenever requested. Unlike social media companies, banks are responsible for ensuring that data is accurate and that it is only accessible to the owner of that data. OneID® is committed to keeping the data secure and private and it will only ever be shared with the company the customer is trying to open a new account with. OneID® will never share data with advertising or analytics companies.

How does a Customer give their consent to share personal information with the Business?

Once the Business has requested the details they need from the Customer, the Customer will then consent to give these details through their online or app-based bank account. The Customer will be authenticated by the bank however they usually log-in; usually face or touch ID.

What are the benefits of signing up to the OneID® Trust Framework?

There are many benefits to signing up, such as only having to sign one contract to connect to the network established under OneID®.

What levels of Service do you offer?

As part of the membership to the OneID® scheme, a specific SLA document is issued. This includes agreed high availability service levels for the OneID® service, processing of requests, availability of reports and other key areas.

What happens if the OneID® service is unavailable?

In the rare circumstances the OneID® service as a whole is unavailable, it will be amended to appear as such to customers and they will be unable to select the service. As soon as the service is back running it will automatically show as available again.

Who is responsible for availability of the OneID® service?

Digital Identity Net is responsible for ensuring the availability of the OneID® service, unless the partner website is experiencing its own problems. In the rare circumstances the OneID® service as a whole is unavailable, it will be amended to appear as such to customers and they will be unable to select the service. As soon as the service is back running it will automatically show as available again.

How does OneID® work?

As a bank, OneID® enables you to provide your customers with the ability to share the validated identity data you hold with trusted third parties in order to simplify their digital life. It uses the Open Banking protocols you already have in place to create a secure and frictionless transaction process.

How is OneID® helping to fight fraud?

Identity theft is the fastest growing online fraud in the UK. By enabling your bank customers to use OneID®, you can help both businesses and consumers tackle the fraudsters.

How is OneID® helping banks generate new revenue?

With OneID® you can obtain a return on your Open Banking investments, generating entirely new revenue by offering a service your personal banking customers will love.

How is OneID® leveraging Open Banking?

The unique OneID® hub leverages Open Banking APIs, providing seamless integration and interoperability, with a simple adoption process and rapid market deployment.

Why should banks adopt a digital identity solution like OneID®?

OneID® extends brand value through a direct bank association with a free-to-use consumer service, while also helping to combat fraud and secure online transactions.

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