How bank-based digital identity can protect against AI generated deepfakes

AI & Deepfakes White Paper

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has existed since early computing. But new challenges like synthetic identities and deepfakes now heighten the risks of fraud, misinformation, and abuse. 

Our white paper argues the imperative to strengthen digital identity verification

to a bank-grade level as a key deterrent against the risks that ‘bad AI’ is generating. It also explains how to secure the digital economy, reducing businesses’ increasing losses from fraud. We outline a superior approach to online security, backed by identity data verified and protected by banks – a bank- based ID that can quickly and simply stem the losses businesses are seeing.


Download our white paper to learn about:   

  • How AI is facilitating synthetic identity 
  • How you can protect yourself against 'Bad AI'
  • The Banks role in digital identity 
  • What makes bank-based digital identity faster and more secure than traditional methods  

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