OneID® has been recertified as an Identity Service Provider and Orchestration Service Provider under the UK Digital Identity and Attributes Trust Framework. The recertification adds new capabilities that will further our efforts to put users in control of their identity data.
One of the standout features of this year's certification is our new status as a certified reusable ID provider.
The typical OneID® journey only requires an individual to click on the OneID® button to verify their identity, authenticate themselves using their mobile banking app and consent to share the identity data. This already fast and seamless process gets even faster and easier with reusable identity.
Repeat users of OneID will now have the option to allow OneID® to link their details to their device. So, when they press the OneID® button on a website, they won’t have to go through the bank authentication journey. OneID® will reuse their details to verify their identity. This is very similar to how your mobile banking app or email is connected to your device, and you don’t have to type in the password and username.
The Good Practice Guide (GPG) 45 is government-issued guidance on how to prove someone’s identity. Depending on the combination of evidence provided by an individual, identities are verified to one of 32 different GPG45 ‘profiles’, which are grouped into four different ‘levels of confidence’ or certainty; Low, Medium, High and Very High.
We are now certified to provide identity verification for many new GPG45 profiles to enhance flexibility to suit the identity evidence the individual has. OneID® can give identity assurance up to very high confidence levels—the highest level of identity assurance as per UK Government guidelines. For businesses that are at high risk of identity-related crimes, the Very High confidence helps to protect against single-ID evidence attacks such as deepfakes.
What does that mean for:
OneID® continues to make online identity verification easy and seamless for users and enhance their control over their personal data. For most profiles, individuals don’t have to scan and upload their identity document, which contains sensitive information and risk identity theft. They can now simply share the identity data that was provided to the bank – and is verified and trusted – at the press of a button in a completely digital way.
OneID® only shares the data required for verification—for instance, only confirmation of appropriate age will be shown for age verification instead of details like the name and address, as in the case of traditional methods. This is the control that individuals need in an age where fraudulent identity documents can be created at will and scale.
Businesses are constantly under attack from fraudsters – using AI and other tools to create deep fakes. OneID®’s document-free process and the use of bank-based data tackle this head-on. With our reusable identity credentials, businesses can be confident that:
Industries and use cases requiring a mix of identity evidence will benefit greatly from our new capabilities. Whether it’s for financial services, healthcare, or other sectors, OneID® provides the highest level of identity assurance, ensuring security and trust in every transaction.
'This year’s DIATF recertification is a key moment in how digital identity will evolve in the UK. With OneID®’s new reusable ID status, most comprehensive GPG45 profile certification, and Very High assurance level capabilities, OneID® continues to lead the way in digital identity verification. We are committed to making identity verification fast, secure, and user-friendly, ensuring that you are always in control of your identity.'
Paula Sussex
Chief Executive Officer, OneID®
Our Chief Product Officer Stuart Kempster shares how OneID® works in more detail in his series 'What's Under the OneID Bonnet?' Read part 2 of the series here, where he talks about the trust framework, open ID, and GPG45 in detail.
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